Are you ready to meet your future?

At the career fair, you will meet over 50 exciting companies across different fields ranging from design, finance/economics, marketing, and much more.

In addition to "regular jobs," these companies offer various types of employment opportunities, including gap year jobs, student jobs, internships, and project opportunities.

Come to Career Fair in Herning, tuesday 24. september at 09.00 - 13.00.
They are all looking forward to meeting you!'

See the companies here

Why should you attend?

At the fair you can:

  • find a job or a student job
  • get to know local companies and expand your professional network
  • have a professional (and free) photo taken for your CV/LinkedIn

Make the most of the day
The career fair is open from 9 AM to 1 PM.
In addition, we have a special program for students:

  • 09:00: Coffee and croissants
  • 09:15: Welcome
  • 09:20: Lone Degn from the Technical Association of Denmark will give a brief introduction on what you, as a student, need to be aware of before entering the workforce.
  • 09:35-11: Motivation and Ambitions Lecture by former Communications Director at LEGO, Hanne Boutrup, discussing motivation and how to achieve your ambitions

Guess what?...

There are well over 100 companies that are very eager to be contacted by students? 

Learn more at the Career Map

More info? 
If you have questions about the fair, you are welcome to contact Development Consultant in Herning Municipality, Lajla Johansen: 

Bag Årets ESG-konferencen står: Bæredygtig Herning, Vestjysk Bank og Erhvervsrådet Herning & Ikast-Brande